Return policy

Returns and Exchanges

Returns and exchanges can be made within a period of 14 days, counting from the date of receipt of the order, if you are not satisfied with the product in question. The item will be refunded in full the day the product arrives at our facilities.

Shipping costs for exchanges and returns are covered by the customer and Atelier Catalina will not accept any product with unpaid postage or other charges.

Returns or exchanges on underwear or bodysuits are not accepted.

Returns and Exchanges in case of defect or mistake in the order

In case of defect or mistake in the product sent, the customer has a period of 3 days after delivery to start the process of returning or exchanging the product, with the shipping costs to be covered by us. To carry out this type of return or exchange, you will have to send us an email with photos that prove one of the situations described above.

Status of products in case of Return or Exchange

All products in question that are in the process of being returned or exchanged must be in the same state in which they were delivered. The original box must be present and must not be damaged. Signs of washing or use may prevent the return or exchange of the product in question.

Order Cancellations

Order cancellations will only be accepted if the order has not been shipped to the carrier in question.

About Us

Open since 1988, we are a specialist store in three areas. Sale and personalized advice on Lingerie, Sewing from patches to making new pieces, and Haberdashery.

Lingerie and Bra Fitting

With more than 10 years of experience advising and directing the use of the perfect bra, Catalina is the professional responsible for our Bra-Fitting service.


Present from the beginning, we work with all types of sewing. Hems, more complicated arrangements and even tailor-made pieces. We are a trusted destination for demanding customers in search of quality.


Along with sewing, this is the origin of our shop. With a variety of threads, buttons and much more available in our physical store